A Little Bit of Love & A Whole Lot of Faith
Friday, June 24, 2011 at 3:19PM
When I first start writing this blog, well, there was no writing. I just didn't see what I could share, about my little life, in my little part of the world, that would make someone want to stop and read...
...and then I met Jami at Freckled Laundry .
She scooped me up and brought me under her "blogging" wing, picking twigs from her own freckled nest and sharing them with me. Helping me to build my own little safe haven. My own sweet sanctuary. My own place to share.
Not long into our "friendship" did I realize that we shared the same affinity for hearts. It is always nice to find a common ground, but a sweet, secret surprise to find that once you reach that conjoint arena, you feel and know so much more about each other. Each and every time we "speak" to one another we chance upon yet another kinship between us...
...and so I mailed her some bitty treasures. Treasures of the heart.
And with them arrived a bit more of my story. A tiny twig of my own. Gently shaken free from my haven, my safe house, my heart... more about it here, {Hearts & The Sweetest Story}, at Freckled Laundry...and please tell Jami you stopped by.
You won't meet a lovelier soul.
Reader Comments (3)
I read what you wrote her on her blog, it was beautiful and so are all those stones given to you by your family!
What a beautiful, heart felt tale of the heart shaped stones. I have found only one heart shaped stone ever and now I shall be on a mission to find others. Someone told me about rocks when I was grieving the death of my mother. They suggested I find two stones and carry then in one hand as I walked the beach - squeeze the stone and give it all your grief. Bury the stone in your garden. Do this as often as necessary.
Your beautiful story of the heart felt stones prompted this memory.
Helen Tilston
I will try to leave you another comment, as my smartphone aka dumb cell phone wouldn't continue my long winded post the last time. :)
I just wanted to say how moved I was by Jami's sharing your story and your gift of heart rocks that you sent her. How sad it is to have lost your lovely son, but how happy it is to hear that you keep his presence alive through your incredibly unique hearts as well as sharing the love you had for him as a family within your childrens daily lives. So cool that you are doing this for your children and for your own healing. What a blessing it must be to be able to talk freely of him, love freely and share this unique gift of the found hearts that represent "love" for your son as well as your other offspring. Love this!
I too have a fetish/love for hearts, and in particular rocks and beach glass findings. Although I am unfortunately land locked in Minnesota, I do love to search for rocks in the shape of hearts as well as beach glass at one of our large local lakes. I will know link those heart rocks to my Mom, and treasure each one I may find along the way. As a jewelry artisan, how cool would it be to one day have a line of jewelry using tiny rocks, shells, and beach glass in a memory necklace. I currently design with found elements, natural and lots of vintage elements and do quite a few memory necklaces representative of loved ones that have passed on. I would be happy to make a piece for you someday as a gift, should you so desire, so that you would have a constant remembrance of your beloved child.
Take care and be at peace. Love your blog and the sharing you do, and am so glad that Jami featured you, so that I could find your blog.
Be blessed~