{friday fill-in's}

1. Hallelujah! Only five more school days for the kids!
2. The beach is where I wanna be!
3. When I was walking the dog this morning, I saw a handful of goose feathers in the road and I thought I don't even have a dog!
4. I know that God has a special plan for me and that's how I knew it was time to let go of the fear of failure.
5. What were once vices are now gone and replaced with self love and respect.
6. Multi-Grain Cheerios,Grapefruit and Coffee is what I've been having for breakfast lately.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to my usual movie with the kids on the couch, tomorrow my plans include a Graduation Party for a special young man and Sunday, I want to spend quiet time with husband before he goes out of town for the week!
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