Roben-Marie Smith

Roben-Marie Smith











Roben-Marie Smith

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currently: i am...

Currently – I am…

Missing JUNKFOOD.  I recently discovered I was hypoglycemic and to make matters worse, eating all the “good stuff”, like french fries and bagels, makes it worse. And while I did not eat it daily, I am really missing it and find myself day dreaming about a Mc Donald’s run! Who’s in?

Purging  MY STUDIO DRAWERS.  I was in the process of making the supply list for my new workshop prototype recently when I went hunting for a particular item. I never did find what I was looking for, but instead discovered loads of forgotten tid bits. Needless to say I set aside list and prototype to purge the drawers. Two days later, I feel re-organized, fresh and ready to make my list.

Wondering WHERE WINTER WENT. With the exception of a few chilly days and nights, we have had nothing but beautiful Spring weather here in Florida. Todays forecast calls for sunny skies and a high of 80°. Perfect.

Creating A PROTOTYPE.  Inspiration does not wait. I was just finishing filming GO GREEN – part of the new 21 Secrets Workshop Series for 2013, when an idea struck for another class. I quickly made some notes and have begun the prototype. I am loving it and can’t wait to share it with all of you!

Offering UP MY WORRIES. As time continues to propel us forward, Life continues to throw curves balls as us. Tests and trials are for the strongest of his flock and I have to continue to trust in the good Lord and remember that my life is in His hands. He will take care of all things.

Waiting PATIENLTY FOR ANSWERS. It is tough to wait for answers. I pray for fortitude and hope that I do not give in to worry.

Listening to TRAIN. Mermaid.

Focusing ON LEARNING. I still have so much to learn when it comes to the computer. I continue to plow through all that photoshop has to offer as well as take mini courses on the mac, via my daughter, so I will be well prepared when my computer dies and I make the move to Apple.

Sorting THROUGH MY STORAGE CLOSET.  Every so often I like to “shop my home” for things. It is a quick and affordable way to change things around and make your place feel new again. I had forgotten all about a cool wooden bowl, several silver trays and a beautiful arrangement. Who knows what will find its way downstairs during the next rotation.

Learning THAT FRIENDSHIP IS HEALING. Even just a few stumbled upon moments with a good friend can make all the difference. Like fuel for a fire, a little laughter and reconnection can get us through another week with a smile.

Sewing ON PAPER. Making some new collage paper for an upcoming project.

Loving MY NIGHTLY CONCERT. Each night I am treated to a personal performance by my daughter – just her and her violin. There is nothing sweeter and I savor each and every note. I will never tire of this.


Reader Comments (4)

Yes, I agree with you on the violin fills the house with goodness. I have a violinist here as well. Hope your girl continues to play beautiful melodies for you for a long long time. Were in the 90's here in sunny Arizona....the heat is coming. Love your blog.


March 16, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterelisa

Elisa - I Love hearing about another lover of sweet music. It just makes our heart swell when they play - doesn't it? Wow - getting warm there quickly as well I see! We have relatives in Goodyear AZ - are your near there? Thank you for taking the time to read and comment - you have no idea how it lifts my spirits - !
Warm Regards,

March 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterRae

Goodyear....that's pretty far from us. Today I celebrate another birthday my boy is 8. I will be thinking of you in September, you and I have 3 birthday kids in one month, what were we thinking? Love your stuff, It motivates me to create. Keep sharing your goodness. I will have to run out and buy the magazine.


March 23, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterelisa

Thank you Elisa! Having lovely faithful readers like yourself makes every little piece of art worth it! xo Rae

March 25, 2013 | Registered CommenterRae Missigman

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