tutorials: plastic fused notebook

Today I have another tutorial for you using the same simple steps we used to make THIS PRETTY PLASTIC FUSED CANVAS AND COLLAGE PIECES.
If you had fun making your PLASTIC CANVAS COLLAGE PIECES I think you will enjoy making the easy pocket notebook. JUST GO HERE TO MAKE A PLASTIC FUSED CANVAS. Once you have your CANVAS hop back over here and follow a few more easy steps to create this pretty, recycled pocket notebook.
STEP ONE: Trim your plastic canvas to the desired size and shape, using your paper pad as a template. Be sure to allow for a half inch seam allowance around the edges of your paper pad. Stitch all the way around the edges of your canvas a few times with pretty thread. I added some zig zag stitching at the last minute too!
STEP TWO: Grab some notebook paper or a small tablet- a sticky note pad works great. If you are using note book paper you will need to trim it to size, allowing for folding to create a signature.
STEP THREE: Stack your trimmed paper, creating a signature. Fold in half and score. Now stitch down the score line with pretty thread. ( If you are using a ready made tablet you can skip this step! )
STEP FOUR: Once your signature is stitched, position it slightly off center on the wrong side of your PLASTIC FUSED CANVAS. Check that both sides will fold in toward center of notebook, overlapping. If positioned correctly, open to middle of signature and restitch down the center. Double back for added strength.
STEP FIVE: Fold in your notebook flaps and mark both sides where you will need to punch a hole for your ribbon tie and button.
STEP SIX: Attach your ribbon and knot. Add a button or bauble on second flap. Fold & Wrap!
What a pretty little notebook to pull out of your bag for all those LITTLE NOTES AND LISTS. And the best part? It is recycled!

Reader Comments (5)
Bonjour Ray, j'ai essayé cette technique des sachets plastiques collés au fer, c'est très beau, mais je rencontre un petit problème!!!!!!!! En touche finale j'ai passé du gel médium mais il reste collant et mon décor gesso + encres et peintures part comme "si on épluchait une pomme de terre!!" quelle erreur ai-je commise???
Merci pour votre réponse et vos idées merveilleuses!!!!!!!!
Bon dimanche.
Fan de Yan (de 21 SECRETS)
oh Fan de Yan I am not so sure. It could have to do with the climate and drying time. I have a few little areas that wanted to peel but not too bad. I wonder if it could be the type of plastic we use? I will look into it more! Thank you for taking the time to try the process! That makes me happy! Have a wonderful weekend. xx Rae
Merci Ray pour votre réponse, j'ai hâte de faire votre prochain atelier en ligne, quand en ferez vous un ??????
Très bon dimanche.
Fan de yan
Hello, Rae....just catching up w/ your blog this morning! I've made a couple of plastic fused bags....but am loving your idea of making a notebook. Cute idea for gift giving! I'd like to pin this (directly to your link, of course), along w/ a couple other creative ideas you have here; & wonder if that would be okay?
Thank you for sharing!! ~H♥~
Hi Heather! Absolutely! Anytime! You are my number one fan! Xo Rae