Currently – I am…
Missing MY SOUL MATE. It stinks that life happens as it so often does and so work keeps us apart most days and nights - literally passing like two ships. It helps a person realize how much someone matters. I am sure this phase of life, like others, will too pass - but it won't be soon enough.
Purging MY ONLINE PHOTO FILES. All I can say is WOW and oh yea - don't wait until you have 13, 679 photos in Photoshop to make a final purge of things unless you like the slow torture of going blind, hunched over the computer for 8 hours a day six days straight.
Wondering HOW SHE CAN BE 12. How can my baby girl be twelve this month? No, really. How did this happen? I was just tucking a tiny curl behind a tiny ear as she slept in my arms. I swear it was yesterday.
Creating NEW THINGS. I thought it was fun being one of the instructors this year- teaching GO GREEN – part of the new 21 Secrets Workshop Series for 2013, but taking part in the other classes has been a real joy! I am learning so many new techniques and creating some beautiful projects! 2 down and 19 to go. Want to see what I have made so far? Here is a peek at Project 1 and Project 2. Want to create alongside of me? Join in here!
Offering TO HELP MY COMMUNITY. There is never enough for those in need and I don't want to see the offerings end with the Easter Season. I will continue to offer up my time and treasure, as small as it is, when I can. This week our church continues to collect food for the Green Bag Project, a program that ensures no school age child in our community goes hungry over the weekend. So tonight, more bags of needed food items are packed and ready to be dropped off tomorrow.
Waiting FOR THE TIMER TO BEEP. I wait for so many tough questions to be answered these days, but tonight I am setting those things aside to wait only for the timer to beep. The smell of these babies - Giant Chocolate Toffee Cookies is making the wait oh-so-long.
Listening to THE HUM OF THE DRYER. For someone like me, the rythmic sound of the dryer is soothing. I find comfort in the constant drone, much like I find comfort in counting.
Focusing ON FINISHING. I am intent on finishing all of the projects that I start this year. I am not allowing myself to start only to walk away. Seriously. But what about the twelve projects leftover from last year? Surely those don't count!
Sorting THROUGH MY PAINT BOX. Why do I insist on keeping a bottle of paint (or 500) when there is just one drop left in the bottom that won't even squeeze out of the lid? Why I ask?
Learning THAT OLD WOUNDS STILL STING. Sometimes a really old hurt can still sting like it is new. Sometimes just hearing the right phrase triggers a memory, sometimes it startles you into bone rattling sobs. This week I heard something that made a long ago tragedy feel fresh and recent. It reminded me that a part of me is still empty and sad all these years later. It reminded me to hang on tight to what we love - it can be gone in an instant. It reminded me that Heaven is the safest place and to never lose faith.
Sewing BOOKS AND BIBLE COVERS. I am loving what an old book can be transformed into. Beautiful books for art, journaling, note taking or list making. Just look at how pretty this one is. And this one too! Old quilts have been finding new uses here too, as pretty, quilted bible covers.
Loving MY LATEST READ. The River Wife. I can not put it down. I seem to gravitate to historical fiction, or dated books. I took a chance on this one at my local library and it did not let me down. It is raw and lovely and sad and just plain good.