Currently – I am…
Missing MY GROWN DAUGHTERS. I know I raised them to spread their wings and fly away, but I changed my mind. I want them back. Well, maybe not BACK back, but mostly back. A weekend here or there is not enough anymore. I need more time. More FACE time. Phone chats are great, but I always hang up feeling sad. Like I missed something. A hug maybe.
Purging MY STUDIO DRAWERS. I have a goal this year to NOT PURCHASE any new art supplies - or at least not until I have used something up. I have been weeding through the tons of stuff and have decided to "upcycle" some of it in some neat new projects this Spring.
Wondering WHAT THE OUTCOME WILL BE. Health issues are always scary, even when you know they probably shouldn't be. So why am I so nervous about an upcoming appointment?
Creating A NEW WORKSHOP. I am honored and proud to be part of this year’s all new 21 Secret Workshop. 21 Artists joining together for one full year of artistic learning and fun! I am also working a few other workshops and tutorials that will go live this Spring!
Offering UP MY WORRIES and MY TIME. I want to help more. I want to count more. I want to matter more. So I am volunteering more at the school, at church, or just when a neighbor needs a hand.
Thanking GOD FOR SOME TIME WITH FRIENDS. Even just a few moments with a really special person in your life can make all the difference. I will smile bigger this week just for having had that time with her.
Listening to THE QUIET. I am alone today and I am relishing the quiet. Later there will be music and chatter and I will love that, as I always do, but for now - just pure sweet silence.
Focusing ON MY FAITH. No matter how many curves life throws my way, I have to be vigilent in my faith. I can not pretend to know what God has in store for me. So, while it may seem the path is tough, and IT IS TOUGH LATELY, I must remain faithful. It is the only way.
Sorting THROUGH MY CLOSET. In trying to find one simple item today I realized I need to sort. I am SO organized, but often find my most harried moments are when readying for the day ahead of me. My closet drawers often take the brunt of the hurried assault. Nice neat piles will make me happy again.
Learning THAT I AM STILL IN LOVE. When times are tough and life is difficult, we often take it out on the ones we love. It is with great relief that I find we can still smile through it all and laugh at the end of the day. We forgive, forget and move on. Only with TRUE LOVE is this possible.
Sewing SCRAPPY BITS as part of my upcoming new workshop, and a few fun little things for my Valentine's!
Loving MY NEW WINGBACK CHAIRS. I have been SAVING, SAVING, SAVING for new living room furnture and it is HARD! Every single time I almost had enough LIFE happened. It stinks, and I pouted a little a few times, but I am FINALLY THERE. My true love helped me the last leg of my journey with a sweet birthday gift and I have my lovely new things...stay tuned for photos!