{more vintage linen love}

I love vintage linens. I love reclaiming them, giving them a bath in lavender soap and ironing them. Turning in them in to these sweet tote bags, though, makes my heart smile!
I love vintage linens. I love reclaiming them, giving them a bath in lavender soap and ironing them. Turning in them in to these sweet tote bags, though, makes my heart smile!
Beautiful Reclaimed Floral Linens + Modern Classic Black Stripe = Beautiful Love!
1. Ah, me...oh my, it's Friday already!
2. Getting my daughter enrolled at University is what's on my mind most lately.
3. When I talk to my best friend, I find that I laugh alot!
4. Remembering that I can't do it all - is what's working for me lately.
5. I recently saw a herd of wild hogs out by my pond .
6. Laughing at the dinner table with my family fills me with joy!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to board games & a movie with the kids, tomorrow my plans include sewing, sewing, and more sewing and Sunday, I want to relax and read my book!
There sat six beautiful glass dishes filled with six beautiful colors of dye.
All the Easter eggs had been dyed and I could not bear to toss those
luscious colors down the drain - so I grabbed an ice cube tray! I filled each
cube with some of those yummy colored dyes and popped them in the freezer.
Today I thawed those cubes out, grabbed some fabric and in just a few short
minutes I had these beautifully dyed remnants. I love this dipped dyed method
because you wind up with a gorgeous stripe of colors! Enjoy!
Sweet new Laundy Bags! Reclaimed silky material was used in the making of these adorable
laundry bags. A muslin drawstring closure and stitched sign add old
world charm. Now available in my Etsy Shoppe.
1. Vegetables are best raw and crunchy.
2. i love mason jars; i use them for everything!
3. How wonderful it is get a random hug from a child.
4. The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society is a book I'd love to recommend.
5. Using leftovers: I like making interesting salads.
6. Making homemade jam for neighbors & friends makes me incredily happy!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a movie with the kids, tomorrow my plans include entertaining Sophie & her play date and Sunday, I want to take a walk after Church.
Now you can find my sweet ruffled bags and leather jewelry in this amazing boutique!
If you are ever in the Orlando area, this amazing boutique is worth the trip!
You will find beautiful and unique items in this one of a kind shoppe! Be sure to
LIKE it here! http://www.facebook.com/houseofenvy