Roben-Marie Smith

Roben-Marie Smith











Roben-Marie Smith

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Entries in fabric (20)


on the worktable: more scraps & new bags

Collected a bunch of new scraps and busy working on a whole lot'a sewing this week!





on the worktable: back by popular demand

Since I have had some inquiries as to "where have the fabric art journals gone" I decided to sit down and whip up a few more. I love using old quilt remnants and then spicing them up with a bright and silky flower and a few wool stitched leaves.

Vintage buttons, colorful doodled stitching and upcycled hankies add character to this little travel size journal. Great for popping into your bag or purse!

Look for more to come!



Something Special: Custom Art Journal Cover

This art journal cover was created as a CUSTOM ORDER for an artsy friend. This cover fits the Canson Art Journal.

Custom orders for journal covers, ruffled bags etc. are always welcomed.  Just contact me either through this blog, Facebook or my etsy store.



old quilts new life: day planner


{  I   L O V E   M Y   N E W   P L A N N E R   C O V E R ...  }

and planning has never been so pretty.





Every year I look forward to the day when the upcoming new year's planner will be released on the store shelves. I love planning. I love lists, notes, and agendas. All sizes. All shapes. But the past few years I have noticed that I have been purchasing a planner that is smaller than years' past. I like the size that I can toss into my backpack or totebag or purse easily. I think it might be 8" x 5" or something close to that. Big enough I can SEE what I am writing in it but small enough it fits in my bag.


And you wanna know the best part? It is refillable - like these.


Every year I can just pop out the old one and place the new one in it's place.


N O  W   H O W   I S   T H A T   F O R   P L A N N I N G ?




old quilts new life: art journal cover love

{  I   L O V E   T E X T I L E S   A N D   I   L O V E   M Y   A R T   J O U R N A L }

There is something about pretty. Something that makes you want to have more pretty. For as much as I used my art journal, I wanted to love it every time I picked it up - and not just the inside, but the outside as well. And so this ART JOURNAL COVER was born. I did not buy one thing for this project. I used bits and pieces of {pretty} from all around the studio...

...each castoff speaking to who I am. A piece of quilt, so worn and threadbare, and yet I do not have the heart to toss it away. Broken bits of favorite jewelry, beyond repair. Pieces of yarn, the reward after a long day in the dye kitchen. Scrapbook trinkets, plucked from a box marked  - Rummage Sale. Spools of thread, ready to unravel, little left to offer. Damaged silken petals, still beautiful in their color and sheen. Leather leftovers, stained and painted...

...and I love it.

I love each and every piece of "trash". Each morsel, another reminder of the things I use, the goods I surround myself with, create with - the things I love.

{  D O   Y O U   L O V E   I T   A S   W E L L ?  }



newsworthy: somerset home

I T  I S  T O U G H  T O  P A R T  W I T H  E V E N  S M A L L  S C R A P S  O F  L O V E

Hundreds of tiny scraps of love. Scraps that were left over from each and every project that I had created in the years past. Outdated and too small to matter I was faced with tossing a jar full of memories. As I sifted through the proverbial refuse of project after project, I found myself smiling at the  flashbacks that these tiny bits of cloth held for me. In the end I could not put them in the trash. Instead, they found a new home that I could love. Unhemmed and scattered - a swirling ball of sweet recollections.

A pillow of reflection.

A N D   E V E R Y   M E M O R Y   W A S   W O R T H   K E E P I N G !



old quilts new life: quilt block notebook covers

I   L O V E   Q U I L T S     A N D     I   L O V E    N O T E B 0 0 K S ,   S O   T H E S E . . .

M A K E   M E   S M I L E !






T H I S   I S   D E F I N I T E L Y   T R U E   L O V E !

{available now in etsy shoppe & in this shoppe too}



old quilts new life: travel size art journals

{L O V I N G  T H E S E  H A N D-D Y E D  S I G N A T U R E  S P I N E  C O V E R S} more HERE. Coming Soon - NEW EXTRA CHUNKY TRAVEL ART JOURNALS, WITH OVER 380 PAGES for doodling, painting, sketching, collages and memorabilia...because 192 pages just wasn't enough!


old quilts new life: shabby art journals

A match made in Heaven - vintage quilt fabric and vintage book paper. The make a sweet ART JOURNAL. Available now in my Etsy Shoppe


storage worth stealing: files to fabric

I love office supplies...almost as much as I love fabric. So when I was no longer using this office file folder unit, I couldn't bear to toss it. Instead, I turned it on end and began using it as a fabric organizer. Now I can keep all my current project's fabric on hand. No more digging through the cupboard for somthing. I love it!