Roben-Marie Smith

Roben-Marie Smith











Roben-Marie Smith

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Something Delicious: Praline Whipped Sweet Potatoes

photo credit :

Here is a delicious side dish! PRALINE WHIPPED SWEET POTATOES.

For years, this was the THE DISH I would be called upon to have ready at each and every Thanksgiving meal our family shared,
but since then it has grown into a season long holiday favorite!


  • 5 large sweet potatoes
  • 4 oz. cream cheese, softened
  • 1 tsp. ground cinnamon, divided
  • 2 cups Maple Pecan Crunch Cereal ( store brand is fine )
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
  • 2 Tbsp. butter, softened

Preheat oven to 400*. Prick potatoes with a fork and microwave on high 15-20 minutes, or until tender.
Remove and let cool for 5 minutes. Cut each potato in half, lengthwise. Carefully, as skins are tender,
scoop out flesh into a medium sized bowl. RESERVE SHELLS FOR LATER!

Mash potatoes until smooth. Add cream cheese, and 1/2 tsp. of cinnamon - mix well. Spoon evenly
into the potato shells.

Pour cereal into a large zip lock bag and gently crush. Pour cereal into a medium sized bowl and
mix in brown sugar, butter and remaining 1/2 tsp. of cinnamon.

Sprinkle cereal mixture evenly over the top of each potato and BAKE for 15 minutes or until topping
is a golden brown.

Makes 10 servings.

Mashed potato mixture can be prepared and spooned into potato shells ahead of time. Cover and refrigerate up to 2 days.
When ready to serve, uncover and sprinkle with cereal topping and bake as directed.

Don't have a microwave? Preheat oven to 400°F. Prick potatoes with fork, then bake 45 min. or until tender.
Remove from oven; cool 5 min. Continue as directed.


Random Act: Mail Art for a friend


I get great joy out of doing little things for people to make them smile.  It does not have to be a grand prize or a expensive gift to lift someone's heart - a simple thing made with love works best it seems.

These little trinkets have a flair for Autumn- pretty hand-dyed velvet & gauze ribbons, sweet and silky layered blooms, a handful of stitched and dyed paper leaves and cozy little sleeve for those hot drinks on cold nights.


This little package is headed to someone special who has above and beyond to help me and  never loses sight of what it means to be a true friend.



On the worktable: gadget case

a messy worktable - working on more vintage quilt block gadget bags.


Live the repurposed life: flowers & zippers



It is no secret i like to repurpose anything I can get my hands on....well -

a while back I was gifted these tiny paper flowers....
and more recently these cool vintage zippers.....

I wonder what their new lease on life will be?


Storage Worth Stealing: Thread, pins & needles

When I am sewing, which is a large part of my crafting lately, I want my favorite threads and needed tools close at hand. I am always looking at things wondering if there is another use for them. If I like it, I can usually find a way to use them in an unique way.

This votive candle holder was the perfect size to hold my most used colors of thread.

This tart tin was perfect for colorful straight pins.

Practical uses for pretty things = Creative Storage.



On the worktable: Art Journal Signatures

Colorful pages formed into signatures ready to fill a batch of my Vintage Quilt Art Journals.

Ready for your art and journaling in my Etsy shop. Perfect for holiday gifting.



Newsworthy: Haute Handbags

I am thrilled to be SPOTLIGHTED in the October 2012 Issue of Haute Handbags.
See my featured tuturial on how to make this gorgeous Awning Strip Tote.


On the Worktable: Custom orders

custom orders pouring in - yea!

bible covers, ruffled bags, pretty hairpins, & quilted notebooks



In my house: trays

in my house - i LOVE LOVE LOVE trays of all kinds, - like these lovelies ...

...and then the other day I stumbled across not one, but TWO beautiful SILVER trays at Goodwill. For just under $10 the two trays came home with me - oh happy day

....and then i found a faux silver miniature stand with glass cloche at michael's.

So happy to have these for my collection!

Can't wait to find the perfect spot for them in my house!


Photo Walk: #1

1.busy helping a friend set up her booth in a local antique mall children served me this beautiful breakfast of green eggs & ham, complete with table settings
3.coming home
4.spending lots of time here with the Youth Orchestra
5.lots of big orders to get ready this month
6.never without my quilted planner & good reads