Roben-Marie Smith

Roben-Marie Smith











Roben-Marie Smith

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Halloween: $1 Halloween Mirror

what you need:

*$1 mirrors & frame from dollar store
*themed paper napkins
*mod podge, scissors, paper trimmer, paint brush
*scrap paper, fabric scraps, ribbons ( I used Martha Stewart sticky backed ribbon I had left over from last year)




On the Worktable: Pencil bags

Aren't these the cutest little bags? They are pencil bags - ready to be filled with your -

  • art pencils and brushes,
  • markers,
  • kids' crayons and colored pencils for quiet play,
  • travel makeup or jewelry,
  • pills and vitamins

The list just goes on and on...

Each one is -

  •  embellished with my signature shabby edged ruffle and a handmade contrasting flower
  • 8.25" x 3.5" in size
  • perfect to fill a Christmas stocking
  • quantities limited to stock on hand

Available in my Etsy Store this weekend.  Priced at $10 OR $8 each when you buy more than one. I would be happy to reserve yours.



currently: i am...


I am participating in Ali Edward's blog challenge.

Currently, I am:

Missing meal time. I never thought I would say this, but I am missing the fuss of family dinner. When I was cooking a big meal every night, around 7 different people’s schedules, I think I might have complained a time or two… (No more than that, I’m sure!) …but now that there is just the three of us at the table each night I am feeling a little sad… missing the banter, daily dramas and silly jokes that took place around that eight foot dinner table.

Purging  like crazy. I mean like crazy nuts. Rifling through closets, drawers, cupboards and pantries – chucking stuff left and right, getting ready for a big community wide garage sale. Last year it was a bust – only the Church Thrift Store, where I dropped twelve boxes of stuff off, made out like a bandit…BUT….I thought I would give it a whirl again this year. Besides, my local thrift store is looking forward to seeing me again!

Wondering “where the hek did the time go?” I see my “baby” climbing into the car after school and can’t believe it is the same little peanut that was just 4 pounds when I brought her home. She is still a peanut, but has entered middle school this year and has asked me EVERY SINGLE NIGHT SINCE SCHOOL STARTED to teach her to shave her legs! I tell her she can’t – she’s just the baby. She rolls her eyes and walks away…which leaves me right back where I started at 3:30 pm when she climbed into the car – WONDERING?!

Sketching a coffee table – a coffee table that I have been wanting for over a year now. Does it exist? Apparently, only in my mind, so I have been trying to make a rough (very rough) drawing of what I want it to look like so my husband can help me build it. I keep dreaming it will appear at IKEA, but so far it is just a dream.

Offering up my worries. It is tough to offer up your worries, to trust God whole heartedly, to let go, move on. I am actively offering up my worries each morning before I rise. I know that God can be and will be the only one to move me through what appears to be a tough situation. Reminding myself it is in His hands is a safe and sane start to each day.

Searching for a lost earring, STILL. I lost it two months ago. I won’t give up. It is my most favorite little earring. I don’t even know if I am searching in the right places, but just thinking I might find it makes the search worthwhile. P.S. Why are the $2.00 earrings always are favorites and the only ones we lose?

Listening to the sweet, sweet sound of my child learning to play the violin. It is fascinating to listen to her play as she seems to have a sound all her own. I want to close my eyes when I listen, that is how good it makes me feel.

Focusing on relaxing. Trying not to count while I do anything -  ok everything. Focusing on letting go and knowing I do not always have to be multi tasking. Focusing on slowing down and rewarding myself.

Photographing anything I see. I had missed this the last few months as I became busier and busier. Now I make time to do nothing but take pictures.

Learning all about Instagram and Facebook. I am terrified of social media and it has been a huge deal for me to learn it and live it as I try to grow my business. Some of this is hard folks – I actually had to take notes! I am not sure I can learn to love it.

Sewing up a storm. Lots of cool new things using reclaimed vintage quilts, funky new fabrics and even burlap. That machine definitely is getting a workout - plus the monotony of sewing calms me. The up and down of the needle, the hum of the machine, the trimming of threads, over and over again.

Loving  that my son love’s life. He is always LIVING – whittling his own bow and arrow for instance. Who does that now-a-days? He was on a mission to collect and prepare geese feathers for his flights. I drove him to a small local poultry farm and there he hunted and gathered only the most pristine feathers. I asked him why he wanted to make a bow and arrow in the first place. He said, “Because it is cool. I want to do lots of cool things in life Mom. Making my own bow and arrow is just one of them.”



Halloween: Spooky Books

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays.  I love to decorate for the fall season. I wanted to add something new to the decor this year so I...

gathered some leftover supplies from Halloween last year....

ran to Goodwill and picked up a few hardcover books (the cheapest because I didn't care about the condition of the cover) and...

gathered the following supplies from my stash.

Here's how I did it:

I added  twigs using this method of strenthening and embellishing them.

If you do crafts and do not have a silicone mat, grab a coupon and get one.  I use mine all the time. They can be found in the hot glue section of your craft store.  They are also available on Amazon.  You will wonder how you lived without it.



On the Worktable: Burlap Art Journals

These NEWLY designed art journals are wonderful. They are selling BEFORE they hit my Etsy store.


What a great gift for an artsy friend. If you want to call dibs on one, please let me know ASAP. Priced at $19.50 each.




In My House: wire baskets

In my house... there seems to be a pattern evolving with vintage wire baskets. What started as a simple pair of egg baskets has erupted into a metal basket mania.

The pair I mention made the long trip home with me from Pennsylvania a few summer's ago. They were a bit bent and didn't even sit flat when I placed them on the counter of the barn style store I was visiting, but they had stolen my heart with their quirky simplicity. Now they rest on a plain white shelf, unadorned, where they state the obvious -  Understated.

Since then, more wire treasure have found their way into my home. They are reclaimed, strong, functional and add just the right amount of vintage charm to any room.


Home Made: Clipboard calendar

I needed a calendar to keep track of upcoming projects, submissions, deadlines and blog posts.  Elise Blaha's post on blog content organization was great inspiration.

A calendar that was flexible in design was perfect for me. Here's how I made it:



Perhaps this is just what you need to organize your month!


newsworthy: Ruffled Gadget Case

Ruffled Gadget Case is created using:

  • sweet re-purposed calico prints
  • softly batted diamond quilt fabric lining, adding cushion for your gadgets or coins.
  •  measures approximately 5" x 4"
  •  a magnetic snap closure
  •  free motion embellished stitching
  •  my signature ruffle
  • a vintage crocheted flower

Priced at $20. Available in my Etsy store.


Storage Worth Stealing: Spice Rack

A modern polished wood spice rack turned vintage storage charm -

With a little white paint and sanding, this old spice jar rack makes the perfect storage solution.

Some of my projects call for the same items over and over again.  I like to keep these close at hand but didn't have room at my work station for tons of twine and paper leaves....things I buy in bulk.  So when I found this spice rack at Goodwill, it had to come home with me.

The jars hold my favorite vintage items needed for projects - vintage jewels, twine, old measuring tapes, clothespins, paper leaves, and rhinestones. Each jar removes easily from the swiveling stand making all my jars easy to reach!


Now when I create a project, I have what I need on hand.  When the jar is depleted, I can easily refill it from the bulk container stored in a cupboard or closet.  Practical, yet pretty, storage.


On the Worktable: Vintage Hankie Art Journal

These art journals are lovingly made using vintage hankies recently acquired from a friend as she sorts through the belongings of beloved family members. It is my honor to find a new purpose for these vintage treasures as they are a link to past memories and a slower, gentler time.

The journal:

  • covers measure 10.5 x 5.5
  • pages measure appx. 8.75 x 5
  • 6 signatures with hand dyed spines
  • over 175 pages total consisting of reclaimed newspaper, catalog sheets, and ads
  • pages are "two" thick, rough with a crinkled texture (I wanted this journal to "FEEL" different and chunky) and are meant to be gessoed, painted, inked or stitched.
  • some corners were left unadhered creating space for things to be tucked in and stitched or stapled.
  • detailed stitching on front and back covers.
  • flower is stitched to cover and vintage seam binding is stitched on as a wrap closure/wrapping
    about button or flower with silky leaves.
  • two handstamped/ stitched tags.  " JOURNAL IT"

Beauty in every detail. ($25)

You can find the art journal in my Etsy store HERE.