old quilts new life: art journal cover love

{ I L O V E T E X T I L E S A N D I L O V E M Y A R T J O U R N A L }
There is something about pretty. Something that makes you want to have more pretty. For as much as I used my art journal, I wanted to love it every time I picked it up - and not just the inside, but the outside as well. And so this ART JOURNAL COVER was born. I did not buy one thing for this project. I used bits and pieces of {pretty} from all around the studio...
...each castoff speaking to who I am. A piece of quilt, so worn and threadbare, and yet I do not have the heart to toss it away. Broken bits of favorite jewelry, beyond repair. Pieces of yarn, the reward after a long day in the dye kitchen. Scrapbook trinkets, plucked from a box marked - Rummage Sale. Spools of thread, ready to unravel, little left to offer. Damaged silken petals, still beautiful in their color and sheen. Leather leftovers, stained and painted...
...and I love it.
I love each and every piece of "trash". Each morsel, another reminder of the things I use, the goods I surround myself with, create with - the things I love.
{ D O Y O U L O V E I T A S W E L L ? }