I H A R B O R A L O N G T I M E L O V E F O R L E A R N I N G A N D. . .
. . . A S E C R E T F O N D N E S S F O R T H E C O L O R P U R P L E.

I should have done a million things today. I should have begun filming my new workshop. I should have completed an order of bags I am working on. I should have taken photos of a new magazine submission. I should have spent time in the laundry room and watered my plants. I should have wrapped a birthday present I need for tomorrow.INSTEAD, I LEARNED SOMETHING NEW. Learning to crochet has been on my Bucket List forever. I have picked up books and kits any number of times, but somehow they never make it into my shopping basket, somehow I always find an excuse to put it off for another day. Not today. Today I was able to finally cross off LEARNING TO CROCHET from that list of mine. I picked up a hook, some yarn (in this yummy shade of bluberry plum) and a beginner's list of instructions. It took me twenty minutes just to be able to get the hook to feel right in my hands, but with a firm determination to make something I slowly started to crochet. Teaching myself made it all the more important to me. I want to be self sufficient. I want to grow as I learn. I want to absorb all that I can and take something away with me when I have completed a lesson...
...and so today I learned - (1) how to create a {foundation chain} and it reminded me that by continuing to learn I am adding to my own foundation. I am building myself up, shaping myself into who I want to be. (2) how to build on {half double crochet stitches} and it was amazing. I saw this flimsy little chain begin to grow into this full and beautiful block. A few simple steps and I was creating more than the makings of a scarf. I was growing too. I was adding to myself and planting new ideas a long the way. I was growing in knowledge and in self. (3) and I learned that no matter how I try to deny it, I still love the color purple.
{ N O T E L L I N G W H A T T O M O R R O W H O L D S }