Roben-Marie Smith

Roben-Marie Smith











Roben-Marie Smith

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{ grey wool, dyed silk & a new skill }

A  N E W  S K I L L  C A N  C E R T A I N L Y  B E  A  C H A L L E N G E, A N D  Y E T -

- say for instance you gather up a handful of buttery soft grey wool yarn and collect a few dyed silk petals? What is the discouragement we encounter along the path to perfection worth? How about the beauty that we disccover at the end of a lesson? I say Yes.






{ learning, growing & the color purple }

 I    H A R B O R   A   L O N G T I M E   L O V E   F O R   L E A R N I N G   A N D. . .

. . .  A  S E C R E T  F O N D N E S S  F O R  T H E  C O L O R  P U R P L E.

I should have done a million things today. I should have begun filming my new workshop. I should have completed an order of bags I am working on. I should have taken photos of a new magazine submission. I should have spent time in the laundry room and watered my plants. I should have wrapped a birthday present I need for tomorrow.INSTEAD, I LEARNED SOMETHING NEW. Learning to crochet has been on my Bucket List forever. I have picked up books and kits any number of times, but somehow they never make it into my shopping basket, somehow I always find an excuse to put it off for another day. Not today. Today I was able to finally cross off LEARNING TO CROCHET from that list of mine. I picked up a hook, some yarn (in this yummy shade of bluberry plum) and a beginner's list of instructions. It took me twenty minutes just to be able to get the hook to feel right in my hands, but with a firm determination to make something I slowly started to crochet. Teaching myself made it all the more important to me. I want to be self sufficient. I want to grow as I learn. I want to absorb all that I can and take something away with me when I have completed a lesson...

...and so today I learned - (1) how to create a {foundation chain} and it reminded me that by continuing to learn I am adding to my own foundation. I am building myself up, shaping myself into who I want to be. (2) how to build on {half double crochet stitches} and it was amazing. I saw this flimsy little chain begin to grow into this full and beautiful block. A few simple steps and I was creating more than the makings of a scarf. I was growing too. I was adding to myself and planting new ideas a long the way. I was growing in knowledge and in self. (3) and I learned that no matter how I try to deny it,  I still love the color purple.

{ N O   T E L L I N G   W H A T   T O M O R R O W   H O L D S }




{ friday fill - in's }

1. I am happy I am learning something new this week!
2. Blackberries & Green Beans are my favorite summertime fruits and vegetables.
3. To help me sleep I read a few chapters in my book.
4. Going somewhere for a few days as a family  is the one thing I want to do this summer more than anything!
5. Just the other day I was saying I need to get to work on my Bucket List.
6. I keep forgetting to water the front flower pots over and over again.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching a movie with the kids, tomorrow my plans include filming my new workshop and Sunday, I want to start my new book!


{ one worth repeating - in honor of Independence}

{  A   T U T O R I A L   W O R T H   R E P E A T I N G  }



old quilts new life: travel size art journals

{L O V I N G  T H E S E  H A N D-D Y E D  S I G N A T U R E  S P I N E  C O V E R S} more HERE. Coming Soon - NEW EXTRA CHUNKY TRAVEL ART JOURNALS, WITH OVER 380 PAGES for doodling, painting, sketching, collages and memorabilia...because 192 pages just wasn't enough!


{Bright & Flowery Chunky Idea Keeper}

{ M Y  L A T E S T  I D E A  K E E P E R - A  B R I G H T  &  F L O W E R Y  V E R S I O N }


{friday fill-in's}

1. So I am almost finished creating a NEW WORKSHOP!
2. On the other hand, I am behind on my chores.
3. There is SUNSHINE today after many days of rain.
4. Pistachio Cake is my favorite birthday dessert.
5. What represents happiness to me: Faith & Family.
6. As Dave (my SO) says, the early bird has quiet time for working.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to finishing my workshop, tomorrow my plans include a possible beach day with the kids and Sunday, I want to read my book & go to church!


tutorial: vintage look alike cakestand

                { I  L O V E  T H E S E  V I N T A G E  C A K E  S T A N D S } I made my own.  F O R  $ 2 ! I went to my local Dollar Store and picked

up a glass dinner plate for $1 and a glass candlestick for $1. I already had

some great adhesive in the drawer so in just 3 minutes I had my beautiful

         {  V I N T A G E     L O O K     A L I K E     C A K E S T A N D  }

Make your own Vintage Look Alike Cakestand HERE!




live the repurposed life: paper towel ruffles

W H O  S A Y S  R E C Y C L E D  &  R E P U R P O S E D  C A N ' T  B E  P R E T T Y ?

These pretty blank note cards are my latest creation using repurposed burlap and yes! recycled  paper towels ... HAND DYED  and  LOVELY of course. A coordinating hand dyed silky posie is the perfect embellishment. These are available in sets of two HERE and HERE.                  


tutorial: mirrored perfume tray

{  M A K E   T H I S   S W E E T  M I R R O R E D  T R A Y  F O R  $ 1  }

Hang this framed mirror for a touch of pretty anywhere, or use it as a

perfume tray, jewelry collector, or catch all for your vintage lovelies...