Roben-Marie Smith

Roben-Marie Smith











Roben-Marie Smith

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{people are talking about this workshop}

{ W H A T  K I N D  W O R D S  P E O P L E   A R E  S A Y I N G   A B O U T  T H I S }

I have received so many kind comments regarding my CHUNKY IDEA KEEPER WORKSHOP! When people are pleased with something, it is a good feeling! I have had a flood of photos and notes and I just wanted to share a snippet of them with you...

{ M O N I Q U E  S H A R E D  H E R  B E A U T I F U L  B O O K  &  W O R D S }

"I've just finished my first chunky book. I thoroughly enjoyed your course, it was great fun.I will use my book to pack my watercolour travel kit; everything seems to fit perfectly inside. It's really lovely."

{  S A N D I - G U E S T  B L O G G E R OF

R O B E N - M A R I E   S M I T H  W R O T  E  }

"This chunky keeper is perfect to pack up my must have art supplies for an upcoming trip to the Smoky Mountains.  It was simple to make following Rae's instructions even though my sewing skills are limited to paper. My sewing machine doesn't even know what fabric is! Rae takes you step by step (in video for all of us visual learners!) creating this workhorse so no fears for those of us who are sewing beginners. In a few hours from start to finish, I had the Keeper completed, embellished and filled!"... READ MORE.

{ C L I C K  I M A G E   B E L O W   T O   R E A D  M O R E 

&  V I S I T   R O B E N - M A R I E  }

{ W H A T   T H E   A R T Y   P A R R O T   B L O G   I S   S A Y I N G . . . }

Click on the photograph below to ready her blog post and see more photos!

"...I love this course, never made anything like this before but would love to do another project like this in the future. Thanks for a great idea and showing me lots of new skills, I don't think will ever sew straight again!"...READ MORE HERE

{ L A U R I E   M A Y   H A S   S O M E   G R E A T   I M A G E S   A S   W E L L }

"Yippee, I finished my first Chunky. It holds my brushes, my Koi W/C s pencils, my visual journal book. I found these fantastic clips at the quilt shop! I cant wait to start on another!"

 T H A N K   Y O U   TO   A L L   W H O   H A V E   S H A R E D!   C A N ' T   W A I T

T O   S E E   E V E N   M O R E   T A K E S   O N   T H I S   W O R K S H O P !



{friday fill-in's}

1. It's always nice when you get something pretty in the mail!
2. I like to hear my children laughing together.
3. Positive thoughts bring happiness; negative thoughts are unhealthy .
4. This is a tough time in my life.
5. What I heard in Church last week gives me hope.
6. Often, I search for ways to improve my self confidence.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a wand making project with the kids, tomorrow my plans include college dorm room shopping and Sunday, I want to read my new book!


{Recycled Mirrored Tray Tutorial - Sneak Peek}

{ N E W   T U T O R I A L - M A K E   T H I S   F O R   $ 1 - L O O K   F O R   I T ! }

If you already use DYE CATCHER SHEETS {like the ones used here} save them NOW!

With a handful of sheets & a few basic tools you can make this beautiful mirrored tray!

Use it as a perfume tray or hang it for a touch of lovely in your favorite room!



live the repurposed life: recycled ruffles

R E C Y C L E D  +   R U F F L E S  =  B E A U T I F U L  C A R D S.

Now available in sets of FOUR in my Etsy Shoppe.


{month in review}

                                       { M O N T H  I N  R E V I E W }

Just a few of the reasons why I love my LIFE and why it is so hard to find time to BLOG.

1.  District  Track  Meet  2.  Senior  Prom  3.  All  County  Orchestra

4. 5th Grade Acadmey Awards 5. National Honor Society 6. Spring Arts Concert

7. Math Olympiads 8. Graduation 9. Golf Practice


live the repurposed life: paper ruffled clutch

My Reclaimed Fabric Ruffled Bags have been such a hit on Etsy and in my Blog Shop, that I decided to share a quick tutorial on how to make a similar recycled version with you! Perfect for a quick gift or sweet as a party favor sack, my "go green" bags are quick, easy and a great way to use up that old newspaper, instead of throwing it away!

You can also find my Reclaimed Fabric Bags at the oh-so-beautiful House of Envy Boutique in Florida and the perfectly Vintage Hip Boutique in Alabama!




{sneak peek}

Coming Soon! A FREE TUTORIAL on how to make these!


{family comes first, but there is always time for pretty}

Even though my days and nights have been consumed with the bittersweet celebration of another highschool graduation, I have had to make time for a little pretty. I have had the sweet pleasure of spending these past few weeks with family that I rarely see, and a daughter that will be spreading her wings soon. And while I will not sacrifice many of these precious moments to spend countless hours sewing, painting or blogging, . . . I will make a tiny bit of time for pretty. See you again soon!



{friday fill-in's}

1. Hallelujah! Only five more school days for the kids!
2. The beach is where I wanna be!
3. When I was walking the dog this morning, I saw a handful of goose feathers in the road and I thought I don't even have a dog!
4. I know that God has a special plan for me and that's how I knew it was time to let go of the fear of failure.
5. What were once vices are now gone and replaced with self love and respect.
6. Multi-Grain Cheerios,Grapefruit and Coffee is what I've been having for breakfast lately.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to my usual movie with the kids on the couch, tomorrow my plans include a Graduation Party for a special young man and Sunday, I want to spend quiet time with husband before he goes out of town for the week!


{awesome actions for elements}

I have just fallen in love with the downloadable actions that the Pioneer Woman has available on her awesome blog. My favorite? SEVENTIES. You can get it here. Just look at what you can do to a photo with this action set.