Roben-Marie Smith

Roben-Marie Smith











Roben-Marie Smith

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Entries in art journal (84)


Something Special: Custom Art Journal Cover

This art journal cover was created as a CUSTOM ORDER for an artsy friend. This cover fits the Canson Art Journal.

Custom orders for journal covers, ruffled bags etc. are always welcomed.  Just contact me either through this blog, Facebook or my etsy store.



On the Worktable: Burlap Art Journals

These NEWLY designed art journals are wonderful. They are selling BEFORE they hit my Etsy store.


What a great gift for an artsy friend. If you want to call dibs on one, please let me know ASAP. Priced at $19.50 each.




On the Worktable: Vintage Hankie Art Journal

These art journals are lovingly made using vintage hankies recently acquired from a friend as she sorts through the belongings of beloved family members. It is my honor to find a new purpose for these vintage treasures as they are a link to past memories and a slower, gentler time.

The journal:

  • covers measure 10.5 x 5.5
  • pages measure appx. 8.75 x 5
  • 6 signatures with hand dyed spines
  • over 175 pages total consisting of reclaimed newspaper, catalog sheets, and ads
  • pages are "two" thick, rough with a crinkled texture (I wanted this journal to "FEEL" different and chunky) and are meant to be gessoed, painted, inked or stitched.
  • some corners were left unadhered creating space for things to be tucked in and stitched or stapled.
  • detailed stitching on front and back covers.
  • flower is stitched to cover and vintage seam binding is stitched on as a wrap closure/wrapping
    about button or flower with silky leaves.
  • two handstamped/ stitched tags.  " JOURNAL IT"

Beauty in every detail. ($25)

You can find the art journal in my Etsy store HERE.


New Art Journal {SNEAK PEEK}

I have a supply of lovelies out as I am fashioning a new Art Journal for my Etsy shop. Stay tuned for updates!



old quilts new life: day planner


{  I   L O V E   M Y   N E W   P L A N N E R   C O V E R ...  }

and planning has never been so pretty.





Every year I look forward to the day when the upcoming new year's planner will be released on the store shelves. I love planning. I love lists, notes, and agendas. All sizes. All shapes. But the past few years I have noticed that I have been purchasing a planner that is smaller than years' past. I like the size that I can toss into my backpack or totebag or purse easily. I think it might be 8" x 5" or something close to that. Big enough I can SEE what I am writing in it but small enough it fits in my bag.


And you wanna know the best part? It is refillable - like these.


Every year I can just pop out the old one and place the new one in it's place.


N O  W   H O W   I S   T H A T   F O R   P L A N N I N G ?




old quilts new life: art journal cover love

{  I   L O V E   T E X T I L E S   A N D   I   L O V E   M Y   A R T   J O U R N A L }

There is something about pretty. Something that makes you want to have more pretty. For as much as I used my art journal, I wanted to love it every time I picked it up - and not just the inside, but the outside as well. And so this ART JOURNAL COVER was born. I did not buy one thing for this project. I used bits and pieces of {pretty} from all around the studio...

...each castoff speaking to who I am. A piece of quilt, so worn and threadbare, and yet I do not have the heart to toss it away. Broken bits of favorite jewelry, beyond repair. Pieces of yarn, the reward after a long day in the dye kitchen. Scrapbook trinkets, plucked from a box marked  - Rummage Sale. Spools of thread, ready to unravel, little left to offer. Damaged silken petals, still beautiful in their color and sheen. Leather leftovers, stained and painted...

...and I love it.

I love each and every piece of "trash". Each morsel, another reminder of the things I use, the goods I surround myself with, create with - the things I love.

{  D O   Y O U   L O V E   I T   A S   W E L L ?  }



workshops: artful handbag

{  N E W   W O R K S H O P  I S   R E A D Y   T O   G O  } 

S N E A K   A   P E E K   H E R E !








{ artful handbag workshop - sneak preview video}

N E W   W O R K S H O P  R E A D Y   T O   A I R - S N E A K   P E E K   H E R E !

Recycle those old t-shirts here! In this workshop we will create a colorful, roomy ARTFUL HANDBAG full of pockets, including two button pockets, two open top pockets, and two over sized pockets that easily accommodate large supplies due to the nature of the fabric. We will dye, cut, sew and create unique embellishments. We will explore the simple art of tap dyeing, challenge ourselves to create words through "doodled stitching" and put together a mini book for artwork, photos, mementos and more. We will even create a BONUS drawstring sleeve pouch! A bag that will speak to who we are, through color and construction, it can easily be arranged to suit your own personal style! The end result? An ARTFUL HANDBAG. A keeper of art or beach supplies, a carry all for babies things, a new take on the old messenger bag!



Artful Handbag Sneak Preview from Rae Missigman on Vimeo.



old quilts new life: travel size art journals

{L O V I N G  T H E S E  H A N D-D Y E D  S I G N A T U R E  S P I N E  C O V E R S} more HERE. Coming Soon - NEW EXTRA CHUNKY TRAVEL ART JOURNALS, WITH OVER 380 PAGES for doodling, painting, sketching, collages and memorabilia...because 192 pages just wasn't enough!


{people are talking about this workshop}

{ W H A T  K I N D  W O R D S  P E O P L E   A R E  S A Y I N G   A B O U T  T H I S }

I have received so many kind comments regarding my CHUNKY IDEA KEEPER WORKSHOP! When people are pleased with something, it is a good feeling! I have had a flood of photos and notes and I just wanted to share a snippet of them with you...

{ M O N I Q U E  S H A R E D  H E R  B E A U T I F U L  B O O K  &  W O R D S }

"I've just finished my first chunky book. I thoroughly enjoyed your course, it was great fun.I will use my book to pack my watercolour travel kit; everything seems to fit perfectly inside. It's really lovely."

{  S A N D I - G U E S T  B L O G G E R OF

R O B E N - M A R I E   S M I T H  W R O T  E  }

"This chunky keeper is perfect to pack up my must have art supplies for an upcoming trip to the Smoky Mountains.  It was simple to make following Rae's instructions even though my sewing skills are limited to paper. My sewing machine doesn't even know what fabric is! Rae takes you step by step (in video for all of us visual learners!) creating this workhorse so no fears for those of us who are sewing beginners. In a few hours from start to finish, I had the Keeper completed, embellished and filled!"... READ MORE.

{ C L I C K  I M A G E   B E L O W   T O   R E A D  M O R E 

&  V I S I T   R O B E N - M A R I E  }

{ W H A T   T H E   A R T Y   P A R R O T   B L O G   I S   S A Y I N G . . . }

Click on the photograph below to ready her blog post and see more photos!

"...I love this course, never made anything like this before but would love to do another project like this in the future. Thanks for a great idea and showing me lots of new skills, I don't think will ever sew straight again!"...READ MORE HERE

{ L A U R I E   M A Y   H A S   S O M E   G R E A T   I M A G E S   A S   W E L L }

"Yippee, I finished my first Chunky. It holds my brushes, my Koi W/C s pencils, my visual journal book. I found these fantastic clips at the quilt shop! I cant wait to start on another!"

 T H A N K   Y O U   TO   A L L   W H O   H A V E   S H A R E D!   C A N ' T   W A I T

T O   S E E   E V E N   M O R E   T A K E S   O N   T H I S   W O R K S H O P !