heART Journal Magazine features The DLP

The Documented Life Project is such a hit that we have made the press again! The rest of the Art to the 5th Team and I are excited to announce that The Documented Life Project is featured in the latest issue of heArt Journal Magazine.
heART Journal Magazine talks to our team and learns more about The Documented Life Project! heART Journal is a digital only, Monthly Magazine and each issue is filled with ideas & inspiration to get your creating juices flowing and you creating. Loaded with lots of new and interesting techniques, you are sure to learn something each time you open an issue.
Curious about how "we" started? Want to read about how The Documented Life Project was born? Here is your chance!
To celebrate heART Journal Magazine has a given me a free issue bonus code to share with others.
Get your free issue of heART Journal Magazine today! This magazine is designed for your iPad/iPhone and is loaded with interactive elements, high resolution images and video tutorials!
Simply download the app on iTunes https://bit.ly/heARTMag or Google Play http://bit.ly/Heartjournal
Then on your iPad or iPhone follow these directions using subscriber code : heART2share (case sensitive)
* Install the app on your device
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* on the Home Page, click on the Yellow Subscribe Button
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Enjoy! And remember - It's YOUR LIFE - DOCUMENT IT!