{friday fill ins}

My talented friend Roben-Marie recently introduced me to {friday fill ins}.
I hope to jump in next week and have some fun with it. If you would like
to do the same, just visit HERE!
My talented friend Roben-Marie recently introduced me to {friday fill ins}.
I hope to jump in next week and have some fun with it. If you would like
to do the same, just visit HERE!
{Creativity is allowing yourself tomake mistakes. Art is knowingwhich ones to keep. ~Scott Adams}
{Valentine's Day}, a day of romance, flowers, candy and love ... it is one of my favorite holidays. Not for the candy or the flowers, but for the air of mystery surrounding this special day. There are many different theories to just how this day got its' start, but only St. Valentine knows for sure. What I {love} is the anticipation and secrecy ... a day when we, as adults, can relive the giddiness of a child, waiting and hoping for a certain {note} or treat from a special someone ...
... so each year I make my {Valentine's} ... something that speaks of the past, a time when these notes were made with distinct care for their intended recipient ...
I have been wanting to do a "makeover" on my laundry room for a long time now. I live in my laundry room. Well okay, not literally, but sort of... a family of {seven} tends to make a great deal of laundry. I also might have mentioned {once or twice} that I actually {LOVE} to do laundry. I love the calming affect that sorting and folding laundry has on my spirit. I love ironing. A monotonous but gratifying chore for me. I love crisp towels and sheets, miniature piles of soft little kiddo socks and stacks of sweetly scented dyed textiles for the studio...and so I want this room that I spend so much time in to be {beautiful} ...
A while ago I made this sweet {farmhouse chic apron} ... it was, surprisingly my first sewing project ever, on a machine, even though I had been collecting fabric for years...and sewing little things by hand ...
... when I showed my pals, they encouraged me to send it in to (apron-ology) magazine. Imagine my surprise when they accepted it into their February 2012 issue!
I had posted a few photos but somehow when I was updating some computer/blogger information this post, among others, was lost. Since the apron is to be featured this month, I thought I should recreate the post ... so here it is.
... I am a collector of fabrics. I do not need a reason to buy them. I have stacks and stacks of favorite textiles lining the shelves of cupboards in the studio. One day I happened to move something and there was a little pile of neatly folded calico's ... and an apron was born.
... I have fond memories of a favorite grandmother wearing an {apron} at all times. She was the matriarch of a hard working farm. No matter which chore she was immersed in, you could find her bedecked with an {apron}.
... and while {Granny's} aprons were not neatly starched and spotless, they were {loved}. Each one of us grandchildren would find a way to bury ourselves within her {apron strings} ... she would dry our tears, wipes our mouths, and mop up our spills with her {apron}.
To don an {apron} is a wonderful thing for me ... a reminder of my past and the love that a sweet and wonderful woman gave to me. I think of her often, as I brush crumbs into my pocket ... Granny keeping her post tidy ...
... and so the {farmhouse style}. A gentle reminder of what I remember. What I {love}.
I am a lover of {pillows}. Toss pillows, small or large are generally an inexpensive way to dress up a sofa, change up a bed or soften a porch swing. Today I made this luscious beauty!
The added touch of silky {peonies} was such a lovely contrast to the burlap.
Recently I made these two pillows for afriend of mine ... I loved the mix of burlap and muslin, but wanted a pop of something a bit {dressier} for my own pillow ...
... on my newest pillow, the ruffles of shabby white muslin give the flowers so much added punch ...
... by extending the burlap over the end on the back side of the pillow and adding long tie closures the pillow has lots of extra {ruffly fluff} at one end ... which I {love} ...
Super easy...super pretty...and a wonderful birthday surprise!
I was recently honored with a feature article in this newest edition of (apron-ology)! Hitting stores February 1st! {thank you to all those at (apron-ology)}
There is some new {woolie love} in my studio. I have just finished dyeing a new batch of roving
and the results are in...{LOVE}. {Sweet Sherbet colored rings for spring. $8.}
...they remind me of tiny beautiful nests...
{Marbled Colors beautifully needle felted together}
{A brighter shade in the name of color}